Ministry of Spirituality
Mary Ward, our founder, very much wanted the women who followed her to be “contemplatives in action”, to be women who continually nurture a deep and authentic Christian spirituality within themselves, whose actions necessarily flow out of a life of prayer and union with God. Prayer and discernment based on Ignatian Spirituality are at the very heart of our lives as Loretto women.
Through the Ministry of Spirituality we actively encourage and support others as they seek to respond to God’s invitation and presence and in their lives.
We do this by serving as Chaplains, Parish Ministers, Prayer Guides and Retreat Directors and through the Ministry of Spiritual Direction or Spiritual Accompaniment. Sisters who are no longer able to be engaged in active ministry continue to participate in this ministry through the Ministry of Prayer.
Loretto Maryholme is a Spirituality Centre located on Lake Simcoe, just north of Keswick, approximately one hours driving distance from Toronto. The property of 12.6 acres is a sacred space of peace and beauty. Programs and facilities are offered to individuals and groups seeking to restore the energies needed for personal and communal transformation.
The Centre provides directed, guided or private retreats and days of reflection, as well as programs that promote ecological awareness, community building and faith development. The facilities are available for rental to individuals and groups whose activities are within the mandate of the Centre.