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Day 4: Mary Ward - On Pilgrimage with Others

We are on a sacred path – Mary Ward’s wish, “I wish all were here”, is about to become a reality. Each of us has an important role to play in making her dream come true. Right now, we are being called to open up to others. Our hearts are learning to listen to each other more deeply while at the same time aspiring to unity. 

Day 4: Mary Ward - On Pilgrimage with Others
Illustration by Susan Daily

We are convinced that our union will strengthen the identity and unity of the whole Mary Ward Family. Each branch, CJ and IBVM, has developed its own characteristics. Each is guided by the same Holy Spirit. Now is the time to appreciate what the other branch has developed. We are getting to know other Mary Ward women and their cultures. By being open and respectful, we grow closer together. 

Our merger is having an impact not only on the sisters but also on the many lay collaborators who are also our fellow companions on the journey. They are eager to be enriched by our greater international outreach. We are on a pilgrimage together for mission in so many different places. As we grow in our hearts, we are able to listen more deeply to the world together. As one body, we want to welcome all humanity with reciprocity and fairness, while nurturing the beauty of our planet. 

Many people are forced to make new departures into the unknown. Insecurity, loneliness, sadness and rootlessness find their way into their hearts. They too yearn for companionship. Like Mary Ward and her group of friends, who were attentive to the needs of their time, we are called to walk in a synodal way to respond together to the needs of today’s world. 

Questions for reflection: 

How can we be more attuned to each other and to the reality of the world at large in order to encounter Jesus both in each other and in that reality?

Sr. Elena Cimpoeşu CJ from LEP/Romania and Sr. Genevieve Maigrot IBVM from Mauritius


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Today, Loretto Sisters in Canada work to accomplish the objectives of our mission statement in a variety of ways. These include works of education, promotion of justice and ministries of spirituality and pastoral care.

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