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2020 Graduation Virtual Celebrations

IBVM Canada invites all IBVM and CJ Members, School Communities and Past Pupils

To a celebration of the 2020 Graduates of our schools via Daily TV Mass from the Chapel of Loretto Abbey, Toronto

Celebrant: Thomas Cardinal Collins

Monday June 8, 2020 (online or via various TV stations)

Join this celebration online at:

Graduates are being deprived, by COVID-19, of the tradition in Loretto Schools of coming together for a graduation Mass with fellow students and your teachers.

This TV Mass allows them to have that experience virtually and allows us to join them in praying with and for their fellow graduates. Teachers, family and friends can also join.

This Mass is sponsored by the Loretto Sisters in Canada and the Parent Council of Loretto Abbey High School in Toronto in celebration of the graduating class of 2020.

We want to expand our scope and join with the graduates of Loretto Abbey, Loretto College School, Mary Ward CSS, St Mother Teresa CSS in Toronto; St Paul’s CSS in Niagara Falls and Bishop Macdonell CSS in Guelph, all schools which have their roots in Loretto. They, like you, are encouraged to live as Mary Ward has inspired thousands of young people for over 400 years to live … as “lovers of truth and doers of justice”.

We want to reach out even more to include the students in the hundreds of Mary Ward inspired schools in the global Loreto/CJ network in every corner of the globe and on all five continents who will graduate from secondary school in 2020.

Congratulations and best wishes graduates! Take to heart Mary Ward’s advice to all of her followers as you make decisions about your future, “listen to God’s deep dream for you and feel a longing to respond”. Remember “do not bury your talents which God lends us to be spent in God’s service”.

You can watch this Mass on Monday, June 8, 2020 on the following Canadian television stations:

Salt and Light TV at 6:30 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm and 10:30 pm

Vision TV at 8:00 am and 12:00 pm

Yes TV at 1:00 pm

Joy TV at 10:30 am

(All times Eastern Times)


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