Mary Ward

Mary Ward was a Yorkshire woman who lived in a time of struggle and persecution for the Catholic Church in her native England. Her vision of religious life for women was derived from that of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits.
The key concepts of our spirituality are that in everything we:
Work for the greater glory of God
Seek and find God in all things
Work to be “wholly God’s”
Refer everything to God
Be contemplatives in action​
Three significant moments in her spiritual journey were the founding experiences of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loretto Sisters). These experiences are commonly called:

Glory Vision
One morning in 1609 when Mary Ward was in London, she had just made her meditation with, as she thought little fervour. While dressing she resolved to make amends for this by giving a large sum of money to a person who fervently desired to enter religious life but lacked the necessary dowry. According to Mary she was doing her hair before a mirror when she had a profound spiritual experience. She perceived clearly that it was not God’s will that she should enter an austere order, something that she was considering at the time, but rather that she was called to a more excellent state which would do far more to promote the glory of God.