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Who We Are

IBVM community with Mary Ward display in background
Sisters at dinner event at Loretto College
Sr Edna and IBVM community members
Sisters chatting at community event
Sisters Mary and Sarah at IBVM booth
Sisters sitting on porch at Loretto Maryholme
IBVM Canada Regional Leaders - Mary - Jane - Evanne

We are a Catholic community of friends in the Lord of women known world-wide as the Loretto/Loreto Sisters (the Canadian Region of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary). We are inspired by the ground-breaking vision of our founder, Mary Ward, and united by a desire to serve God’s people across Canada.


Drawn by a sense of God’s call in our lives, we vow lives of service, with a special focus on enriching the lives of God’s people, and promoting justice, peace and the integrity of creation. Our spirituality is based on a sense of God at work in our daily lives. This sustains our lives and animates our ministries.


We discern new challenges and dare to be initiators and agents of change by encouraging the fullest development of all persons and by responding to the most urgent needs of the times.


Our community life encourages and supports us in our mission and ministry.


We respond to God who calls each of us uniquely. We look to Mary Ward’s vision of faith to inspire us and to enable us to understand our common vocation. We desire to foster that interior freedom of spirit, deep sense of justice, love for truth and cheerful attitude which she regarded as essential to fullness of life in her Institute.

The true children of this company shall accustom themselves to act not out of fear, but solely from love because they are called by God to a vocation of love.
-Mary Ward

What we Do

Today, Loretto Sisters in Canada work to accomplish the objectives of our mission statement in a variety of ways. These include works of education, promotion of justice and ministries of spirituality and pastoral care.

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© 2020 by Loretto Ladies Colleges and Schools .

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